Leave adjusting of eyeglasses to a professional

Tilaa piilolinssit tai aurinkolasit Lensonilta

Nopea toimitus - Aina edulliset hinnat - Ilmainen palautus

Tilaa nyt Lensonilta

Common problems for all those who have eyeglasses are that the nose piece feels uncomfortable, or that eye glasses slip down your nose. These problems are easy to fix by adjusting eyeglasses, assuming that suitable frames were chosen in the first place. However, you should leave adjusting to be done in an optician store. If you decide to adjust glasses by yourself, there is always a risk of breaking them.


Bending eyeglasses requires proper tools

Proper adjusting or fixing of eyeglasses requires experience and the right kind of tools. Even though the adjusting done in an optician store may look like a job you could do yourself, it is not worth taking a risk. A professional has the knowledge on how much the frames can be adjusted and how they should be supported when adjusting.

In addition, there are proper tool for adjustment in an optician store. For example, a frame heater is used for heating the ends of the ear pieces so that they can be adjusted to fit. Also, different sorts of pliers covered with plastic can be used in adjusting.

When adjusting eyeglasses, the customers should first wear the glasses as they want to. After this, it should be ensured that the glasses fit on the nose, and that they do not press temples. Also, the ends of the ear pieces should follow the shape of the back of the ears, and the glasses shouldn’t slip down the nose. Of course the glasses should also sit straight and be in the right angle.

I think that the person performing the adjustment should make sure that the glasses sit behind the ears. It is not enough to ask the customer if the glasses fit. The glasses may feel alright at that moment, but in a couple of hours, the situation may be different. The optician can avoid this by checking the fitting.

You can visit the store several times

Finding the perfect fit for the glasses may require several visits to an optician store. Even though the glasses may fit well when trying them on, in the actual use they may start to feel uncomfortable or slip down your nose. If this is the case, just go and visit the store so that the personnel can fix the problem.

Sometimes the problem is that the customer assumes that the new glasses feel exactly the same as the old glasses. Another issue raising questions is whether the glasses fit straight. People are not symmetrical and if the glasses seem to fit straight depends whether you compare them to eye brows or ears.

Even severely twisted glasses can be saved – sometimes

Sometimes customers bring so severely twisted glasses to the store that there is a risk of breaking the frames. However, surprisingly many pairs can be saved.

How much does adjusting cost?

Basic adjustment of new glasses is usually included in the price of the glasses in most of the stores. If the glasses are severely twisted or damaged, the adjustment costs from 0 to 20 euros. However, it is usually free if the glasses are bought from the same store.

If the customer visits a different store to adjust the glasses, it usually costs. The adjusting is also usually performed on the client’s own responsibility. This is because the store does not necessarily have possibilities to get spare parts for the frames if they break. They may not also be familiar with the material of the frames.

Whatever the case, adjusting glasses is foremost good customer service for an optician store than productive work.

Please note that the advice and tips given in this blog are based on Finnish regulations and laws. Therefore, you need to verify the regulations and laws in your country from your own optician, optometrist or eye specialist.

Tilaa piilolinssit tai aurinkolasit Lensonilta

Nopea toimitus - Aina edulliset hinnat - Ilmainen palautus

Tilaa nyt Lensonilta

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