Glasses for golf

In golf, you need to have good co-operation of the hand and eyes and good eye sight. You also need to be able to evaluate distances, and be able to observe the edges of your field of vision. A golf player should be able to see as well as possible to different distances: about three feet to the ball and two feet to the scorecard.

What kind of glasses should a golf player have?

A round of golf lasts for several hours. The requirements for the vision may alter during the round; the weather may be bright, or it can be cloudy or it might even rain.

When it comes to young golfers, fixing the vision is easy. Normal long-distance glasses give good results, as long as the frames are big enough.


Golf glasses for an adult

Unfortunately, when it comes to adults, it’s impossible to find glasses that would suit all different situations. One option to fix adult players’ vision is to use normal general glasses, bifocals or multifocals. If it is difficult to play with general glasses, you can also choose multifocal lenses that emphasize long-distance vision. Some players prefer bifocal lenses which have a really small reading segment either in one lens or both.

Of course, an adult can also play simply with long-distance glasses. In this case, however, it’s difficult to check the scorecard.

Contact lenses?

Both young and adult players may find a solution for improving their vision from contact lenses. With contact lenses it’s possible to acquire a wide field of vision. Contact lenses are good in rainy or hot conditions as they do not get foggy or wet as glasses would.

Sunglasses suitable for golf

When the weather is bright, sunglasses prevent you from getting dazzled by the sunlight and also protect your eyes against UV radiation. On a cloudy day, sunglasses or filter glasses are used to improve contrast.

Sunglasses should be very protective. Light, slightly curved sun glasses are the best option. The best color for the lenses is reddish brown. Also Drivewear-type of darkening and polarizing lenses are suitable for golf.

It’s difficult to give one correct solution as one pair of glasses cannot work in the best possible way in all different situations. If you are serious about playing golf, you might want to consider acquiring sunglasses of different degrees of density and color for different situations.

If you wear glasses every day, you should of course acquire sun glasses with power, or use contact lenses with your sunglasses.

Please note that the advice and tips given in this blog are based on Finnish regulations and laws. Therefore, you need to verify the regulations and laws in your country from your own optician, optometrist or eye specialist.