What is the correct power for your glasses

Tilaa piilolinssit tai aurinkolasit Lensonilta

Nopea toimitus - Aina edulliset hinnat - Ilmainen palautus

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Customers often wonder what is the correct power for their glasses.

Some people avoid going to an optician or an eye specialist because they are afraid that they need to get eyeglasses. Neither an optician, nor an eye specialist can force you to get glasses, so there’s no need to worry. They may recommend you get eyeglasses if you have a need for them, and also tell you how it’s possible to see with or without glasses.


It’s subjective how you experience changes in vision

How you experience the changes and deviations in vision is subjective. For some, even a small 0.25 change can cause foreign sensations in vision, whereas others can hold even 3-4 dioptres and still they don’t feel that they need to wear glasses.

For these reasons, it’s impossible to tell the exact power when a person should get glasses.

If you feel that your vision could be improved, or that there’s something wrong in your vision, I’d say it’s time for you to get glasses. Tired eyes and head ache can also be signs of vision problems.

Lowered vision becomes a problem when a person feels that the vision is just fine, but cannot fulfill the vision requirements set for the driver’s license. The changes in vision do not take place overnight, and you may get used to your lowering vision and think that you vision is just fine. Therefore, a sight test in every two to three years is recommended for everyone, even if your vision seems to be fine.

You can compare your vision with and without glasses in a sight test

In a quality sight test, you are always given a chance to test how you see without glasses, or with you new glasses compared to the old ones. This way you can experience how the glasses affect our vision.

You can ask if you can test the new glasses with time, if you don’t notice any chages with the new glasses right away.

Those with nearsightedness notice the changes more easily

Usually, people with nearsightedness notice the changes in vision more easily as the need for minus glasses blurs the vision. When vision is -0.50, objects more than two meters away become blurred. If the vision is -2.0, all the objects more than 0.5 meters away are blurred.

Those with farsightedness do not see objects blurred and it may be more difficult to notice that glasses are needed. When farsightedness is not fixed, you may experience several symptoms such as tired eyes, head ache or eye ache. You may not notice that glasses are really needed until you wear them for a longer period of time.

Please note that the advice and tips given in this blog are based on Finnish regulations and laws. Therefore, you need to verify the regulations and laws in your country from your own optician, optometrist or eye specialist.

Tilaa piilolinssit tai aurinkolasit Lensonilta

Nopea toimitus - Aina edulliset hinnat - Ilmainen palautus

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